Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gpsphone Delete Saves?


The 2009 is almost over, and with him the first decade of the first century of the second millennium! Some say it was a very long time, but whoever says that the time has literally flown by. Towards the end of 1800 (eighth century of the first millennium AD :-) ..), after years, decades, centuries and millennia that man was the case even without the passage of time to care too much, you start to think about the time a new experience. The weather is no longer a continuous cycle of events, and imperishable of past, present and future. But a range of mutable space under the living subject. Because if the time is connected with space and space is variable, then even the weather is variable. In other words: Who will get bored spending time in a slower than who you're having fun. As soon as this news reaches the ears of the artists of that period are born destined to become current with popular names like "Cubism" and "future". Currents from a purely stylistic point of view can be defined as "the festival of hands shot", "scribbles and scrawls in freedom," "pictures ruined" and "incomprehensible stuff that even my cousin 2 years draws better." In reality, those freedoms hide scrawls in a revolutionary concept: If time and space variables are measures, then no one prohibits Picasso to paint the face of a woman using different points of view concentrating them in an instant imprinted on the cloth (or on film: the birth of cinema.) And then Mr. Picasso, on the canvas, we blow his nose and one eye in profile, seen from an eyebrow trocar and the rest with the front view, sending the country to his talent as a designer realistic (But do not use these bad words when studying art at high levels, why say "realistic" is like saying a curse in the church. There is only another word that could trigger the same effect, or perhaps worse: Cartoon Aaaarghh !!!!! Do not they say!).

"When I was little I could paint like Raphael , but it took me a lifetime to learn to draw like a child"
(P. Picasso)

Picasso dedicated a teacher at my sketch with the hope of able to make his stylistic development reverse.

Happy 2010 to everyone!


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