Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pixar Cars Safeway Cake

Autovelox Viale Etruria

Florence - the trick is finally revealed speed cameras and the multificio Florentine quietly, with no press conference or other communications to the people, in June, the plants have been adjusted downward by 70 to 50 kmh. The massacre of 50 000 minutes in 3 months avenue Etruria, where the camera is more hidden, covert operation starts from this administration Renzi. Objective: To raise cash at all costs. At stake are vital 50 million euro already bilancio.Lo says bluntly Tea Albini, who was commissioner of the Budget come Sunday, and now sits in the municipal council for the Democratic Party. What has changed with the new come?
"When I was a councilor are often attacked because of the fines. But today we are breaking all records. Matteo Renzi has campaigned against multificio, said it wanted to reduce the harassment because they are a gimmick to make money. But just in office, he accelerated instead of braking. According to the figures, the 2010 beat all previous junta Domenici. If this does not make money. "

All this in utter lack of transparency. The camera Viale Etruria is exemplary: not only illegally hidden behind a pole, but reset to the bottom without warning. So motorists are deceived twice.
" Quell'autovelox fined me. On 11 July at 14.32. A 71 mph. It is not easily seen, but I knew it was there. But did not know that the speed limit was lowered. The junta Domenici, that then-commissioner traffic Graziano Cioni, had found that at least 70 kph on that road would be sufficient to ensure security. Now, without any communication, have led to 50. And the point is right here: the lack of transparency. "

E 'obvious: no one argues that we should go at full speed. But the treacherous multificio is not acceptable.
"Let's face it: the municipal budget for the fines are necessary. Where else do we find them all those millions? So, in my opinion, better to penalize those who break the code, rather than raise prices of public services. Provided, however, follow the rules and putting people in a position to know .

Yeah, because if they are vital resources for the municipality, also 1500 euro per month or the withdrawal of a license are vital for many people . Yesterday, the newspapers told of a taxi driver ruined dall'autovelox Viale Etruria.
" Exactly. We are obviously facing a harassment policy actually, because secretly implemented. That was cause for controversy in the city council. One of our Council submitted a question but has since been silenced, because the problem is in fact a delicate .

You talk about Pierguidi adviser. Who also protested the evasive answer based on a report by the commander of the brigade, according to which everything is in order. But then has disappeared. Someone said to have been intimidated. The results?
"Intimidated is perhaps too much, but there was some heated discussion. Sat, 50 million are no joke .

But the commissioner traffic Mattei in interviews repeats the same refrain. Everything ok, despite the evidence. As if an untruth repeated many times would become truth.
" One method that seems to be fashionable. Berlusconi has made school .

Beyond the problem political, are leaving thousands of appeals. If you were to succeed?
"Certainly for Palazzo Vecchio is a big problem. Especially for the budget because the commissioner must find a way to plug the hole. But it will be a problem for those who have handled the operation, that is for the commissioner to traffic and the brigade commander .

What can the actions against the junta?

" would appeal, probably will go to court. But in the end will have to resign. Quell'autovelox Viale Etruria is reported too ill and too visible. The highway code says something else. It also came less transparency requirements. Transparency is no doubt that the fines should be done to force .

Catola & Partners , Tel 055.5522892 / 867; riccardo@catola.com ; www.catola.com


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