Saturday, May 9, 2009

Best Warmed Toned Foundations

output Pietralba

Second output of the team " 59più20 in Bolzano. This time we're together: IN3RXG (Mauritius) and his wife IN3EBJ (Paola), novice drivers in February.

After ' output end of March for various commitments, not least the two times that IN3RXG went to Abruzzo with the Civil Defence, taking advantage of a beautiful day we decided to make an exit Scarponradio.

IN3RYE (Joseph) had a commitment to work and could not participate.

The destination chosen was the beautiful Shrine of Pietralba , which on weekdays is a nice quiet place and peace, unlike Sunday when it is flooded with pilgrims and tourists (often difficult to find parking).

Starting from Bolzano have climbed the Val d'Ega, made passable as quickly after the work of arrangement and the two galleries that eliminate all the initial stretch that was worse.
In the town of Ponte Nova, turn right onto the pass Lavazè and after about 4 km turn right again to go up to Nova Ponente. Before entering the village, at the roundabout, take direction Mont St. Peter and then follow the signs to the Shrine of Weissenstein.
A total of just over 30 miles, walked in about forty minutes, without hurry. For

return we preferred to follow the route that goes down to Aldino of bends and then arrive in time for half an hour (about 22 km). From here you can go down to the Trentino, or as in our case, head north to Bolzano.

But now we go to the story of the day:

arrived in the forecourt of the Shrine of Pietralba we are spoiled for choice for the best place. We opted for the corner to the White Horn, so as not to disrupt the transition and also to possibly use the fence as a support for the antennas.
a dutiful visit to the shrine and a cappuccino with a slice of homemade strudel and then we can start business.

First install the trust fishing rod and the Yaesu 857 and so we can start making the connections on the 40 meters.

Today we decided to start links IN3EBJ Paola, who, fresh off the license, and after a while 'links for voice and PSK31 from home decided to "jump" also called "/ P".

beginning IN3EBJ brush a bit 'frequency, listening to stations that reach more powerful and less noise, given the difficulty that all we had in the early days of amateur radio in understanding the names (Especially if you use the phonetic alphabet designed for the examination). Encouraged by IN3RXG answers the CQ IW6NOB that is making calls to the Diploma Trabocchi Coast (organized by section of the air throw). Not much pile-up and the connection is made immediately, to Paola with satisfaction.

IN3RXG gives some tips and Paola will immediately switch to another frequency where IE9/IT9TFX/P is calling from the island of Ustica. IN3EBJ is a little 'difficulty in understanding this name prefix consisting of the island and also from / P. A little 'refresher on how much studying for the exam and the explanation of what the IOTA and numbering of the Italian islands and on the diploma and everything is clear.

Here is more difficult to pass, there is quite a pile-up because Carmelo OM is a well-known for its numerous activities and then link it to many friends to greet him.
The "Magic" of the female voice in situations where IN3EBJ can pass between two OM who are trying to get connected: it is now passed and connected by IT9TFX recognizing the voice of a YL. Exchange of reports and wishes for their respective activities and Paola is ready for the next link. Can you connect
OZ/I2AE who is doing a tour of activation of the Danish islands OM and also a business that is doing "Radio School" with the name IZ8NIR.
IN3EBJ, as a good Calabria, could not fail to insist until it is able to connect IZ8FFA / P that was activating the reference CZ074-DCI, with whom he also exchanged a few words "village."

IN3EBJ At one point he decided to try to switch to call. Find free frequency of 7.045 MHz tried to call "CQ CQ 40 meters. IN3EBJ / P calls .... "after a couple of calls answered Carlo IZ1CCE / P. A chat about our position and the beauty of Trentino Alto Adige, which is well known throughout Italy, the classic exchange of reports and Regards. Paola did not even have time to complete the log of the connection that was already known from other friends. He immediately formed a mini pile-up that has a little 'scared (and who would not, especially when talking, remember the letters, write the log ... all together already makes you sweat!). So
intervened to help her IN3RXG keeping the log, while IN3EBJ responded to various correspondents, enjoying a chat and also begin to eat relax from the tension that had early connections. Call
also a Russian, comes very low, but still try to complete the connection. Both prick up their ears. To hear him, we come good (58), here is a 36 with much QSB. We do repeat a few times his name in the end it seems RK3QZ. When we got home and checked on the various callbook that this name does not exist, we take the log of the day. Too bad, it would be a good link, unfortunately it was almost incomprehensible.
As the bells rang at noon of the sanctuary IN3EBJ decides to quit the links for the morning and relax a bit 'in the hot sun eating a sandwich.

After a short break to eat, assemble the dipole for 20 meters. with which we try to make some connection in the afternoon.
Fix the fishing rod on the fence and tighten the two arms along the same, making them fall in V inverted. Some tests and see that red has not reduced even with the tuner. It is probably the fact that one arm of the dipole passes close to the lamppost.

then we rotate the direction, planting a stake in the grass to stretch one arm while the other is fixed to the other side of the fence (fortunately we had placed in the corner of the stand).
ROS is close to zero, so we can begin transmitting. Now is the time of IN3RXG that with a quick brush-in half an hour links some foreign stations, bringing a little 'points for the team. At 13.30 local

decide to start dismantling , because we want to enjoy the beautiful day for a short walk, even though the sky is a bit 'cloudy, and also because we have come soon enough to Bolzano to prior commitments.

Remove the antenna and transmitter, and we put everything in the car, then take a ride around enjoying the scenery and tranquility of the place and after one last visit to Our Lady of Pietralba do back home going down now surrounded by the sight of green meadows .

Overall a good day, much to the satisfaction of Paola IN3EBJ that exceeded the thrill of the first links. A resent in the air!



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